Jaipur to Lucknow distance by bus, train

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Jaipur to Lucknow distance by bus, train
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Jaipur to Lucknow distance by bus, train

Both the cities of Jaipur and Lucknow are the capitals of their respective states. Both these cities are also very important from the point of view of tourism. Thousands of people travel daily by covering the distance from Jaipur to Lucknow. Not only tourism but also due to business, people keep coming from Jaipur to Lucknow. In such a situation, there are a large number of hotels in Lucknow to provide facilities to such tourists and businessman.

Jaipur to Lucknow Distance

A number of means are available to cover the distance from Jaipur to Lucknow such as train, road, airway etc. If we talk about the road, then this distance is about 581 KM and it takes about 8 to 9 hours to cover this distance. Similarly, if we talk about the air route, then this distance comes down to 512 KM. To go from Jaipur to Lucknow by air, an airplane has to travel from Jaipur International Airport to Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport.

Distance between Jaipur to Lucknow by Road is581 Kms
Distance between Jaipur to Lucknow by Flight is512 Kms
Travel Time from Jaipur to Lucknow by Road is7:48 hrs
Nearest Airport in JaipurJaipur International Airport (26.91, 75.79)
Nearest Airport in LucknowChaudhary Charan Singh International Airport (26.85, 80.95)

Quick information about Jaipur

  • City: Jaipur
  • State: Rajasthan
  • Country: India
  • Nearest Railway Station: Jaipur (JP)
  • Nearest Airport: Jaipur International Airport
  • Nearest Bus Stand: Jaipur

Quick information about Lucknow

  • City: Lucknow
  • State: Uttar Pradesh
  • Country: India
  • Nearest Railway Station: Lucknow Ne (LJN)
  • Nearest Airport: Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport
  • Nearest Bus Stand: Lucknow

Buses from Jaipur to Lucknow

Many times people use private means from Jaipur to Lucknow by road. But many times due to some reason they do not want to go by private vehicle, in such a situation, bus facilities are also available to travel the distance from Jaipur to Lucknow. These buses going from Jaipur to Lucknow are very convenient and privately operated. But many times these buses are missed due to lack of information about these buses. It also happens often that due to lack of information about buses, people have to wait for hours at the bus stand.

Passengers going from Jaipur to Lucknow should collect all the information about buses so that there is minimum inconvenience. In such a situation, information about buses from Jaipur to Lucknow has been provided here. Along with the name of the buses, their timetable and their fare information has also been provided in the table below.

Bus OperatorDepart TimeBus Fare
Shree Mahaveer Travels (JPR)10:30 PM₹ 599
Raajrath Bus Travels09:00 PM₹ 599
Mahalaxmi Tours09:00 PM₹ 599
Mahalaxmi Travels ISO 9001:201509:30 PM₹ 629

Popular Places To Visit In Lucknow

The city of Lucknow is full of tourist places, so when tourists come here, they think that they should not miss any important place. In such a situation, it becomes very important for the tourists going from Jaipur to Lucknow to collect all the information about the tourist places of Lucknow in advance. Keeping this problem of tourists in mind, here a list of some attractive selected tourist places has been provided where a large number of people go to see the beauty of Lucknow every day.

  1. Bara Imambara
  2. Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Park
  3. Ambedkar Memorial Park

Best hotels in Lucknow

There are also many attractive places for tourism in Lucknow, for which people come in abundance to get a glimpse. Here information about the hotels and tourist places of Lucknow has been provided so that the tourists and businessmen have to face less problems.

In this list, along with the names of hotels, their location, some of their key amenities, their star rating and pricing information have been provided. So that the tourists can find it very convenient.

Fortune Park BBD - Member ITC Hotel GroupLal Bagh, Lucknow5Free Cancellation, Swimming pool
Hyatt Regency LucknowVibhuti Khand, Lucknow5Free Cancellation, Free Valet Parking Free WiFi
The Maple LeafHazratganj Market, Lucknow3Free Cancellation, Free WiFi
Elite Suites MINT Gomti NagarGomti Nagar, Lucknow3Free Cancellation, Free WiFi Jacuzzi
Ramada By Wyndham LucknowAirport Road, Lucknow5Free Cancellation, Free WiFi Health club


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