Distance Between Jaipur to Ranthambore

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Distance Between Jaipur to Ranthambore
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Distance Between Jaipur to Ranthambore

Ranthambore of Rajasthan is known for attracting a large number of tourists to its side. Every day people from different parts of the world come here to enjoy tourism. On the other hand, if we talk about Jaipur, then tourists from Jaipur also keep visiting here in abundance. But many times tourists have to face some problems due to lack of information about Ranthambore. Here abundant information has been provided about Ranthambore, which tourists can take advantage of here.

Here, information about the distance from Jaipur to ranthambore, means of commuting from there, hotels in Ramthumbore and other tourist places is provided.

Distance Between Jaipur to Ranthambore

Plenty of facilities are available to cover the distance from Jaipur to Ranthambore. Road, train and other facilities are available from Jaipur to Ranthambore. It is a distance of about 200 KM to go by road and it takes about 6 to 7 hours to cover this distance. As there is no airport in Ranthambore, it is not possible to reach there by air from Jaipur. This complete information is provided in brief in the table below.

Distance between Jaipur to Ranthambore by Road is200 Kms
Distance between Jaipur to Ranthambore by Flight is122 Kms
Travel Time from Jaipur to Ranthambore by Road is6:10 hrs
Nearest Airport in JaipurJaipur International Airport (26.91, 75.79)
Nearest Airport in RanthamboreJaipur International Airport (26.02, 76.5)

Quick information about Jaipur

  • City: Jaipur
  • State: Rajasthan
  • Country: India
  • Nearest Railway Station: Jaipur (JP)
  • Nearest Airport: Jaipur International Airport
  • Nearest Bus Stand: Jaipur

Quick information about Ranthambore

  • City: Ranthambore
  • State: Rajasthan
  • Country: India
  • Nearest Railway Station: Sawai Madhopur (SWM)
  • Nearest Airport: Jaipur International Airport

Places To Visit In Ranthambore

Visitors traveling from Jaipur to Ranthambore want to explore as many fascinating places as possible in a short span of time. But they have no knowledge of any other place except the National Park. In such a situation, many times they miss a beautiful place. In such a situation, if tourists collect complete information about tourist places in advance, then they will not have to face such problems.

Keeping this point of tourists in mind, here is a list of some major tourist places of Ranthambore, where a large number of people visit every day to enjoy the beauty.

  1. Raj Bagh Ruins
  2. Khandar Fort
  3. Sawai Mansingh Sanctuary

Popular Hotels In Ranthambore

The biggest problem faced by tourists going from Jaipur to Ranthambore is that in which hotel they will stay there. In such a situation, many times tourists either book expensive hotels for more money, which they do not need or many times they are not satisfied with the facilities provided by the hotel. In such a situation, a list of some of the best selected hotels in Ranthambore has been provided for the tourists so that the tourists do not face any problems.

Mount Valley ResortRanthambore4Free Cancellation, Swimming pool
Tiger Moon ResortSherpur, Ranthambore4Free Cancellation, Free WiFi Swimming pool
The Tigress Resort & SpaBehind Nahargarh Hotel, Ranthambore4Free Cancellation, Free Breakfast Free WiFi
Nahargarh RanthambhoreKhilchipur, Ranthambore4Free Cancellation, All Meals Included Free Breakfast
Anuraga PalaceSawai Madhopur Road, Ranthambore4Free Cancellation, Free WiFi Jacuzzi

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