Distance from Jaipur to Udaipur by Train, Bus, flight

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Distance From Jaipur To Udaipur
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Distance from Jaipur to Udaipur by Train, Bus, flight

Distance from Jaipur to Udaipur is395 Kms
Distance from Jaipur to Udaipur by Flight is332 Kms
Approx Travel Time for Distance from jaipur to Udaipur via Road is6:50 hrs
Nearest Airport in JaipurJaipur International Airport
Nearest Airport in UdaipurMaharana Pratap Airport

Quick Information about Jaipur

  1. City: Jaipur
  2. State: Rajasthan
  3. Country: India
  4. Nearest Railway Station: Jaipur (JP)
  5. Nearest Airport: Jaipur International Airport
  6. Nearest Bus Stand: Sindhi Camp

Quick Information about Udaipur

  1. City: Udaipur
  2. State:  Rajasthan
  3. Country: india
  4. Nearest Railway Station: UDZ(Udaipur City)
  5. Nearest Airport: Maharana Pratap Airport Udaipur
  6. Nearest Bus Stand: Delhi

Distance from Jaipur to Udaipur by Bus and List of Busses

Bus OperatorBus CategoryDepart TimeBus Fare
Patel Eagle TravelsNon AC10:30 PM₹ 320
Shreenath Tour And TravelsNon AC08:45 PM₹ 300
Shreenath Travellers Pvt Ltd.Non AC10:00 PM₹ 320
Jai Shrinath Travels (Jaipur)Non AC08:45 PM₹ 320

In the table above, you have been given the names of all the buses which will go from Jaipur to Udaipur and along with that, their fares, timings, and how much time it will take to reach are also given. And the total distance from Jaipur to Udaipur is 430 Kms.

Distance from Jaipur to Udaipur by Train

Train NameTrain NumberDepartureArrivalRunning daysDuration
JP UDZ SF T SPL097216:15 AM (JP
1:30 PM (UDZ
S, M, T, W, T, F, S7h15m (430 kms)
S, M, T, W, T, F, S7h30m (439 kms)
RAJ HAMSAFAR EXP229869:15 PM (JP JAIPUR)4:45 AM (UDZ UDAIPUR CITY)Sunday7h30m (434 kms)
S, M, T, W, T, F, S7h35m (439 kms)
ANNANYA EXPRES123155:45 PM (JP JAIPUR)2:45 AM (UDZ UDAIPUR CITY)Friday9h (435 kms)
HW UDZ EXP196107:15 AM (JP JAIPUR)4:55 PM (UDZ UDAIPUR CITY)Mon, Wed, Sun9h40m (439 kms)

In the table above, you have been given the names of all the trains which will go from Jaipur to Udaipur and along with that, their train Number, timings, Departure, arrival, Running days and how much time it will take to reach are also given. And the total distance from Jaipur to Udaipur from that train.

Flights from Jaipur to Udaipur

AirlineDepart DayDepartArriveDurationLowest Fare
Sat10:0011:0001h 00m (Non Stop)Rs. 4,240
Wed10:0011:0001h 00m (Non Stop)Rs. 4,240
Thu10:0011:0001h 00m (Non Stop)Rs. 4,240
Thu07:0019:4512h 45m (1 Stop)Rs. 4,500
Sun10:0011:0001h 00m (Non Stop)Rs. 5,200

In the table above, you have been given the names of all the Flights which will go from Jaipur to Udaipur and along with that, their Airline, timings, Depart Day, Depart Time, Arrive Time, Fare and how much time it will take to reach are also given.

Best Places To Visit in Udaipur

There are many places to visit in Udaipur where you can go with your family. Today, here is a list of some important tourist places of Udaipur city so that when you go on a tour of Udaipur, you already have an abundance of information there. The following places are some of the most visited tourist spots of Udaipur city.

  1. Udaipur City Palace
  2. Lake Palace
  3. Jagmandir
  4. Jagdish Temple
  5. Saheliyon Ki Bari
  6. Sajjangarh Palace
  7. Fateh Sagar Lake
  8. Lake Pichola
  9. Udaisagar Lake
  10. Jaisamand Lake

Best Hotels in Udaipur to Stay

Whenever we go to another city outside for tourism, we try to organize the best place to stay in our budget. We try to gather information about good hotels. In such a situation, here is the information of those hotels which provide better facilities in a lower budget. This information will be very beneficial for you on a tour of Udaipur.

  1. The Leela Palace Udaipur
  2. Radisson Udaipur
  3. Trident Udaipur
  4. Spectrum Resort, Spa & Convention
  5. Rampratap Palace
  6. Radisson Blu Udaipur Palace Resort & Spa
  7. bloom Boutique | Lake Pichola
  8. Lords Inn Udaipur
  9. Taj Aravali Resort & Spa
  10. The Royal Retreat Resort & Spa, Udaipur

Best Restaurants in Udaipur

The enjoyment of tourism increases when there is a better system of refreshments. In such a situation, it is necessary that you have complete information about the restaurant serving delicious food along with tourism. Here is a list of restaurants where a variety of delicious dishes are served at a low cost.

  1. Tribute
  2. Ambrai-Amet Haveli
  3. Kabab Mistri
  4. Steam Restaurant
  5. 1559 AD
  6. Cafe Ra
  7. Jheel’s Rooftop Restaurant
  8. Rainbow Restaurant
  9. Upré By 1559 AD
  10. Jaiwana Haveli Rooftop Restaurant


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Distance from Jaipur to Udaipur by Train, Bus, flight 0 reviews

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Udaipur, Rajasthan, 313001, India
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