Distance from jaipur to Ajmer is 137 kms – duration, route, price

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Distance From Jaipur to Ajmer(1)
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Distance from jaipur to Ajmer is 137 kms – duration, route, price

Distance from jaipur to Ajmer is137 Kms Approx
Distance from jaipur to Ajmer by Flight is125 Kms
Approx Travel Time for Distance from jaipur to Ajmer via Road is2:30 hrs
Nearest Airport in JaipurJaipur International Airport
Nearest Airport in AjmerJaipur International Airport

Quick Information about Jaipur

  1. City: Jaipur
  2. State: Rajasthan
  3. Country: India
  4. Nearest Railway Station: Jaipur (JP)
  5. Nearest Airport: Jaipur International Airport
  6. Nearest Bus Stand: Jaipur

Quick Information about Ajmer

  1. City: Ajmer
  2. State: Rajasthan
  3. Country: india
  4. Nearest Railway Station: Ajmer Jn (AII)
  5. Nearest Airport: Jaipur International Airport
  6. Nearest Bus Stand: Ajmer

Jaipur to Ajmer Buses

Bus OperatorBus Category (AC/Non AC)Depart TimeBus Fare
Gagan Tour and TravelsNon AC04:40 PM₹ 200
Siddharath TravelsNon AC10:15 AM₹ 210
Gulzar Tours and Travels(Delhi)AC04:50 PM₹ 210
Jain Mahaveer TravelsAC08:35 AM₹ 255

In the table above, you will find the name, fare, arrival, and categories of all buses going from Jaipur to Ajmer.

Jaipur to Ajmer Train List

Train NameTrain NumberDepartureArrivalRunning daysDuration
Ahmedabad madgaon special (Jaipur Jn - Ajmer Jn)0941619:1021:25M, T, W, T, F, S, S02:20

In the above table, you will find the name, fare, and arrival of all trains from Jaipur to Ajmer.

Best Places To Visit in Ajmer

If you are going to Ajmer, then we have given some good places to visit, so that you can easily visit your favorite places in Ajmer.

  1. Anasagar Lake
  2. Government Museum
  3. Ajmer Jain Temple
  4. Adhai Din Ka Jhonpra
  5. Ajmer Jain Temple
  6. Shah Jahan's Mosque
  7. Daulat Bagh Garden

Best Hotels in Ajmer to Stay

If you are going to visit Ajmer, then you have the most problem to stay there. First of all, you should find a good hotel to stay there. The solution to this problem is on jaipurchallo.com. We have given some good hotels here that will make it easier for you to find a hotel in Ajmer.

  1. GenX Kishangarh by 1589 Hotels:- 1589 Hotel Genx Kishangarh is a very good hotel in Ajmer. This hotel has swimming pool and free wifi facility. The fare of this hotel starts from Rs. 3500 and the rating is around 4 and is located at Opposite Chidiya Bawdi, Express NH 8, Jaipur-, Kishangarh Road, Madanganj, Kishangarh, Rajasthan 305801
  2. Fort Barli:- Fort Barley is located at Fort Barli Village Barli near Bijnagar, Rajasthan 305624 and this hotel is one of the top good hotels in Ajmer. Here you get free morning breakfast and swimming pool. To stay in Fort Barli, you have to pay 4850 rupees.
  3. Grand Xenia:- Grand Zenia is located in Hathi Kheda, Foy Sagar Rd, Ajmer, Rajasthan 305001. To stay in this hotel you will have to pay 58000 rupees. In Grand Xenia you get free wifi bars. There is no cancellation money here.
  4. Hotel LN Courtyard:- Hotel LN Courtyard is located at Lohagal Road, Near Sbi Bank, Suraj Vihar Colony, Ajmer, Rajasthan 305001. Hotel LN Courtyard is a very good hotel in Ajmer, you will have to pay 2300 rupees to stay in this hotel.
  5. KC Inn Ajmer:- KC Inn is located in Jaipur Rd, opposite City power house, Hathi Bhata, Ajmer, Rajasthan 305001. In this hotel you can use wifi for free and you will have to pay to stay here.

Best Restaurants in Ajmer

If you are going to Ajmer and you arrange to stay there, then it is very important to have a good restaurant to eat. To solve this problem, we have given the names of some good restaurants so that you can choose any restaurant from those names and go to it.

  1. Mango Masala Restaurant
  2. TRM Restaurant
  3. Ambrosia Restaurant
  4. Cafe Nature's Blessing
  5. Rasoi
  6. Hard Rock
  7. Inbox Restaurant And Cafe
  8. IL Padrino Pizza Garden Restaurant
  9. Raju Terrace Garden Restaurant
  10. Kharwa Bagh Farm Restaurant
  11. Ganga Laffa & Felafel Restaurant Pushkar


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Distance from jaipur to Ajmer is 137 kms – duration, route, price 0 reviews

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