Distance Between Jaipur to Pushkar

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Distance Between Jaipur to Pushkar
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Distance Between Jaipur to Pushkar

Pushkar city is a very popular city of Rajasthan. Apart from being religious, this city also plays an important role in the tourism sector. A large number of tourists and devotees come here daily. A large number of people from Jaipur city also come here. People who go to Pushkar for the first or second time have a lot of questions like which tourist place to visit, which hotel to stay in, which transport to go through etc. It has been seen many times that in Pushkar.

It has been seen many times that there is a severe lack of information about the place among the people who know Pushkar. Keeping this problem of the people in mind, all kinds of information has been provided here such as the distance of Pushkar from Jaipur, the means of going from Jaipur to Pushkar, tourist places of Pushkar, some major hotels of Pushkar etc.

Distance Between Jaipur to Pushkar

Distance between Jaipur to Pushkar by Road is147 Kms
Distance between Jaipur to Pushkar by Flight is131 Kms
Travel Time from Jaipur to Pushkar by Road is2:36 hrs
Nearest Airport in JaipurJaipur International Airport (26.91, 75.79)
Nearest Airport in PushkarJaipur International Airport (26.49, 74.55)

Quick information about Jaipur

  • City: Jaipur
  • State: Rajasthan
  • Country: India
  • Nearest Railway Station: Jaipur (JP)
  • Nearest Airport: Jaipur International Airport
  • Nearest Bus Stand: Jaipur

Quick information about Pushkar

  • City: Pushkar
  • State: Rajasthan
  • Country: India
  • Nearest Railway Station: Ajmer Jn (AII)
  • Nearest Airport: Jaipur International Airport
  • Nearest Bus Stand: Pushkar

Ways of transport

There are many different routes and means available to travel from Jaipur to Pushkar. Jaipur to Pushkar can be reached by road, by train. The total distance from Jaipur to Pushkar by road is about 147 KM, so it will take around 2:30 to 3 hours to cover this distance. On the other hand, if we talk about the air route, due to the absence of any airport in Pushkar city at present, it cannot be reached by air. The nearest airport to Pushkar city is Jaipur International Airport of Jaipur city.

This complete information has been provided in the table below in brief so that any kind of inconvenience is avoided.

List of buses from Jaipur to Pushkar

One need not worry even if one does not have his own personal means to travel from Jaipur to Pushkar. Plenty of buses ply to cover the distance from Jaipur to Pushkar. But due to their lack of knowledge, many people wait for hours at the bus stand. Many times it also happens that due to not knowing the correct timetable, the bus gets missed. Keeping all such problems in mind, information about some buses going from Jaipur to Pushkar has been provided here.

The names of these buses along with their timings and fare information have been briefly provided in the table below.

Bus OperatorDepart TimeBus Fare
Jai Ambay Travelling Agency09:01 AM₹ 250
Naveen Tour And Travels10:15 AM₹ 299

Best hotels in Pushkar

The most important thing for businessmen, tourists, visitors and people who have gone to Pushkar for other business is to find a better hotel. Many times people are not able to choose the hotel according to the need due to lack of information. Many times people either choose very expensive hotels which they do not need or they are not satisfied with the services of hotels many times. In such a situation, to save people from such problems, information about some of the best selected hotels has been provided here.

Here, along with the name of the hotels, information about the location, their star rating, some major amenities and prices is provided. All this information is provided in brief in the table below.

Ratan HaveliPunch Kund Road, Pushkar2
Hotel Raj GardenAjmer Road, Pushkar3Free Cancellation,
Pushkar Karni CampGanahera, Pushkar3Free Cancellation,
Aaram Baagh by Pachar GroupGanahera, Pushkar4Free Cancellation,
Ananta Spa & Resorts PushkarLeelasevri, Pushkar

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