Distance between Jaipur to Bikaner

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Distance between Jaipur to Bikaner
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Distance between Jaipur to Bikaner

Bikaner city of Rajasthan is a very important city where a large number of people go from different cities every day. Bikaner tourism plays an important role in the tourism numbers of Rajasthan. Bikaner has a large number of tourist places. Along with tourism, the business movement of Bikaner with Jaipur is also very high.

Distance between Jaipur to Bikaner

Distance between Jaipur to Bikaner by Road is334 Kms
Distance between Jaipur to Bikaner by Flight is274 Kms
Travel Time from Jaipur to Bikaner by Road is7:16 hrs
Nearest Airport in JaipurJaipur International Airport (26.91, 75.79)
Nearest Airport in BikanerBikaner Airport (28.02, 73.31)

In such a situation, it remains a question for the people going from Jaipur to Bikaner, through which transport to go, how far is Bikaner from Jaipur, for how long to stay in Bikaner, in which hotel to stay, etc. Thus. To answer the questions, a lot of information has been provided here so that people going from Jaipur to Bikaner do not have to face any kind of problem.

Quick information about Jaipur

  • City: Jaipur
  • State: Rajasthan
  • Country: India
  • Nearest Railway Station: Jaipur (JP)
  • Nearest Airport: Jaipur International Airport
  • Nearest Bus Stand: Jaipur

Quick information about Bikaner

  • City: Bikaner
  • State: Rajasthan
  • Country: India
  • Nearest Railway Station: Bikaner Jn (BKN)
  • Nearest Airport: Bikaner Airport
  • Nearest Bus Stand: Bikaner

Way of transport Between Jaipur to Bikaner

There are many modes of transport available from Jaipur city to Bikaner such as road, train, air route etc. The distance from Jaipur to Bikaner by different routes is different. In such a situation, first of all the question arises that what will be the distance from Jaipur to Bikaner and what will be the most comfortable means of going for less money. If we look at the road, then this distance is about 334 KM and it takes about 7 to 8 hours to cover this distance.

Buses From Jaipur To Bikaner

Bus facility is also available from Jaipur to Bikaner. A large number of people travel from Jaipur to Bikaner every day taking advantage of the bus service. Many private buses run on this route, which have their own timetable. People who do not have their own personal vehicle or who have a bus. It is convenient to travel with them, they can take advantage of these buses. The travel of these buses is also very economical.

But many times due to lack of information about these buses, people miss the bus or they waste their time sitting at the bus stand for hours. To avoid such other inconveniences, the name of the buses going from Jaipur to Bikaner along with their timetable and their fare are also given in the table below.

Bus OperatorDepart TimeBus Fare
Virendra Janta Travels09:30 AM₹ 250
Zingbus06:40 PM₹ 296
Shree Ganesh Travels(Barmer)06:00 AM₹ 300
Rathore Travels (Madho)04:00 AM₹ 300

Best places to visit in Bikaner

Whenever tourists go to visit the city of Bikaner, then they think about how to see more and more places in the shortest possible time. Many times, many important places of Bikaner are missed due to lack of information with the tourist. In such a situation, if the tourist gathers most of the information about the tourist places of Bikaner, then it proves to be very beneficial for them. In such a situation, keeping in mind the problems of tourists, information about some famous tourist places of Bikaner has been made available here so that they can be benefited.

  1. Kapil Muni Temple
  2. Junagarh Fort
  3. Karni Mata Mandir

Best hotels in Bikaner

People who come after traveling the distance from Jaipur to Bikaner are tourists and some go for business. Therefore, such people look for a good hotel to stay. As many times people either book expensive hotels or take shelter in such hotels where the facilities let them down. In such a situation, it becomes most important that they know about the hotels of Bikaner so that they face less problems.

Keeping this problem of tourists and businessmen in mind, information about some of the best hotels in Bikaner has been provided here. Here, along with the names of hotels in Bikaner, their location, their star rating, some of their major facilities and pricing details have been provided so that one has least problem. All this information has been provided in the table below.

Lallgarh Palace - A Heritage Palace HotelLallgarh Complex, Bikaner4Swimming pool
Vesta Bikaner PalaceHimmatsar, Bikaner4Free Cancellation, Swimming pool
Shree Balaji Guest HouseBikaner1
Hotel BhawaniBikaner1
Wild Desert ResortSardulganj, Bikaner3Free Cancellation,

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