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Mahesh Hospital Jaipur – fee, timing, address, reviews


Rates for hospital wards at Mahesh Hospital

Hospital FacilityRates
General WardRs. 400.00
Private WardRs. 1000.00 (Two Beds)

In the above-given table, you can get all the Rates for hospital wards at Mahesh Hospital Jaipur.

Opening and Closing Time of  Mahesh Hospital Jaipur

  • Monday Open 24 Hrs
  • Tuesday Open 24 Hrs
  • Wednesday Open 24 Hrs
  • Thursday Open 24 Hrs
  • Friday Open 24 Hrs
  • Saturday Open 24 Hrs
  • Sunday Open 24 Hrs

About Mahesh Hospital in Chandpol Bazaar, Jaipur

Mahesh Hospital in Jaipur. Hospital with address, contact number, photo, map. See Mahesh Hospital, Jaipur on Jaipurchalo.com.

In Jaipur, Mahesh Hospital is a recognized name inpatient care. It started in 1985. They are one of the famous hospitals in Chandpol Bazaar. Backed with a vision of offering the best in patient care and equipping them with technologically advanced healthcare facilities, they are one of the upcoming names in the healthcare industry. Located in, this hospital is easily accessible by various modes of transport. A team of well-trained medical staff, non-medical staff, and experienced clinical technicians work round the clock to offer a variety of services, including Opad Services 9.00 1.00 p.m., Pathology Lab, X-ray. His professional services make him a sought after the hospital in Jaipur. A team of doctors on board including experts is equipped with knowledge and expertise to handle a wide variety of medical matters.

At Mahesh Hospital in Chandpol Bazaar, the various modes of payment accepted are cash. You can reach them near Chand Pol Gate, Apex Food Road, Chandpol Bazaar-302001. The contact number of this hospital is + (91) -141-2320810,2319661. This establishment is rated 4.0 out of a total of 10+ ratings. This list is also listed in hospitals, private hospitals.

Contact Information

Toph Khana Ka Rasta, Near Chand Pole Gate, Jaipur, Rajasthan
Phone 2
Zip/Post Code


Toph Khana Ka Rasta, Near Chand Pole Gate, Jaipur, Rajasthan

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